Laser Hair Removal - Benefits and Risks

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 When considering laser hair removal, the color and type of hair will play a crucial role. Hair color and skin tone influence the procedure. Hair contains pigment that absorbs light, making it essential to choose a laser that can damage the hair follicle while avoiding the skin. A contrast in the color of hair and skin color will produce the best results. Darker hair and skin are better candidates for the procedure, and the best result can be achieved with a lower energy pulse and lower laser setting.There are risks associated with laser hair removal, and you should consult a dermatologist before undergoing the procedure. The procedure may result in a painful series of stings. You should avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for two weeks before your appointment. Click here to contact dermatologist austin for safe laser hair removal.


Also, do not get a tan, wax, or plucking treatment on the area. Anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin may increase the risk of bleeding during the procedure. Additionally, laser hair removal may not be effective if you have active infections. Patients with dark skin may also be required to apply a skin-bleaching compound before their laser hair removal session.  You can expect to save hundreds or even thousands of dollars in treatments over the course of your lifetime. Laser hair removal works for all skin tones, although light skin tones are better suited to the treatment than darker skin tones. However, those with darker skin may experience temporary hyperpigmentation. 


 In either case, laser hair removal is a great option for removing unwanted hair. Although laser hair removal is very effective, it may take several sessions to produce the desired results. Another benefit of laser hair removal austin is that it is an excellent long-term solution to hair problems. This process may be recommended every four to eight weeks for areas with faster growth rate. On the other hand, if you have darker skin, you may require more than one session. A few touch-up sessions are needed, but the results will be noticeable within a few months. To avoid further hair growth, your medical provider will create a customized treatment plan for your skin type and specific hair-growth cycle. During the procedure, the skin will be red and swollen. Although there is some discomfort, this is not usually a real downtime. You can resume your daily activities right after your treatment. 


Although you should be aware that you will have to undergo multiple sessions, most people experience a reduction of 10 to 25 percent hair after the first treatment. As with any medical procedure, however, the results may vary depending on the type of skin and hair. Despite the fact that laser hair removal may be painful, the procedure is not difficult and does not require any downtime. Before laser hair removal, you should avoid plucking, waxing, or electrolysis. The process may not be effective on hair that is longer than a grain of rice. Additionally, you should avoid sun exposure for at least two weeks after your laser treatment. If you don't shave or wax the area prior to the treatment, it may cause pigmentation problems in the area treated. If you don't shave, it may cause additional discomfort and irritation. For more knowledge about this topic, visit this link: